Free Body Transformation Analysis

Give Me 60 Minutes and I’ll Show You How to Reshape Your Body Permanently …


During your free 60-minute consultation and workout – whenever it fits into your schedule best (morning, afternoon or evening) – you’ll:

Learn exercises customized to your body and fitness level to tone and tighten the 5 biggest problems areas most women agonize over: your butt, abs, thighs, shoulders, and arms.

* Learn how to get your body to be a fat burning machine and fix your metabolism instead of storing fat all of the time.

Pinpoint the 7 most important things to do to get your body whipped into shape (do these faithfully … and you’ll actually enjoy wearing the stunning clothes of summer rather than feeling uncomfortable and overexposed)

Identify your long-term fitness goals (how you’ll look and feel in 6 months!) … and then set realistic short-term goals to ensure your path to success.

Invest in a fitness plan that’s right for you … so you don’t waste a single minute on exercises that can’t deliver the results you’re looking for.

In other words … you’ll discover how to get on the fast track to a toned, healthy body that you’ll be proud to show off in summer clothing and skinny jeans.


 Are You Finally Ready To Make Some Changes?

  • Are you ready to finally change the quality of your health and life?
  • Are you tired of being “tired” and looking to increase your energy level?
  • Have you tried lots of different programs, pills and powders with no results?
  • Would you like to manage and control your weight … FOREVER!

If you answered YES to any of these questions, you’re in the right place.  You can also use this meeting as your starting point for our 21-Day Detox Challenge.

If you’re like most people, you’ve already been through many ups and downs with your health,
including the Yo-Yo diet plans and the “I am going to start on Monday” broken self-promises.
I understand all the private conversations that take place in your head. The ones you’d never
share — with anybody. Yes, those ones . But, today… right now — none of those past
experiences, negative self-talk or limiting beliefs matter.

Listen, you can CHOOSE a different path. You can CHOOSE a path that inspires you and
ignites your soul. You can CHOOSE a path that will EMPOWER YOU .

Your personal journey will help you gain insight as to how your physical being affects your
mental and emotional being as well.

My overriding goal is to help you understand and gain “balance” in all parts of your life —
starting with your physical health.

Let Me Show You How.

I specialize in working with busy women (just like you!) to help them successfully lose weight, increase energy and feel the best they’ve ever felt in their
entire lives.

My personal training program is nothing like the typical unsuccessful weight loss commercial programs you see on TV.

Instead, it’s a program that focuses on fueling your body with delicious, nutrient-dense foods that
boost your metabolism and help you release excess body fat – and increase your energy levels.
I will personally coach you through a process that has proven successful for hundreds of my
past and current clients.

If you’re interested in learning more about working with me, schedule a FREE 60-minute
Transformation Strategy Session.  During this session we’ll also discuss:

● Your vision for your own health
● Challenges and obstacles that might stand in your way
● How I can help you achieve your goals and feel your absolute best

Stay Strong!
